
The Association Agreement Between The Eu And Turkey

18. Dezember 2020

The main task of the CUJC is to set up a consultation procedure to ensure legislative harmonisation in areas directly related to the functioning of the customs union between Turkey and the EU. The Association Council makes recommendations to the Association Council. It is planned to meet regularly once a month. Read more, at the 54th session of the EU-Turkey Association Council, Brussels, 15 March 2019 On 18 March 2016, the EU concluded a migration agreement with Turkey to prevent refugees from entering the European Union. As part of the agreement, Turkey has agreed to take back migrants entering Greece and send legal refugees to the EU. In exchange, the EU agreed to grant Turkey six billion euros and grant Turkish citizens visa-free travel by the end of June 2016 if Turkey meets 72 conditions. [69] In March 2016, the EU published a report that Turkey was meeting 35 of the 72 free visa requirements across Europe. [70] By May 2016, this figure had risen to 65 out of 72. [71] The Association Council takes all appropriate measures to ensure that the necessary cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the other institutions of the 1996 customs union between Turkey and the EU come into force on 1 January. The parties agree to develop a consultation procedure to ensure the coordination of their trade policies towards third countries and mutual respect for their interests in this area, particularly in the event of the subsequent accession of third countries to the Community or association with the Community.

The foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey – based on The Western-inspired reforms of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – has strongly emphasized Turkey`s relations with the Western world, in particular with the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union. In the post-Cold War period, relations have derated away, with Turkey striving to strengthen its regional presence in the Balkans, the Middle East and the Caucasus, as well as its historic goal of EU membership. Under the ACP government, Turkey`s influence in the Middle East grew on the basis of deep strategic doctrine, also known as neo-Ottomanism. [13] [14] The debate on Turkey in the West is very divided between those who see that Turkey is moving away from the West towards a closer and More Islamic orientation and those who see the improvement of Ankara`s relations with its Islamic neighbours as a natural step towards balance and diversification. [15] This agreement creates an association between the European Economic Community and Turkey in accordance with Article 2 2. This stage lasts no more than twelve years, subject to exceptions that can be made by mutual agreement. Exceptions must not impede the final creation of the customs union within a reasonable period of time. The growing persecution of political dissidents in Turkey [43] is creating political tensions between the EU and Turkey in both directions: while the EU criticises the abuse of „anti-terrorist“ rhetoric and laws restricting freedom of expression, Recep Tayyip Erdogan often accuses EU Member States and the EU as a whole of „sheltering terrorists“ to Turkish citizens persecuted for their political views.


Mein Name ist Matthias Regge aka. Prinny. Ich schreibe über Videospiele und bizarre Dinge, die sich in meinem Kopf abspielen.

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