
Lausanne Agreement Kya Hai

10. April 2021

This section does not apply to cases between Japan and Turkey which, under this treaty, would fall within the jurisdiction of the Joint Arbitration Tribunal. These cases are resolved by mutual agreement between the two governments. Complaints based on Articles 65, 66 and 69 must be filed with the relevant authorities within six months and, in the event of non-compliance with the Joint Court of Arbitration, within 12 months of the entry into force of this contract. Turkey is committed to fully respecting the right of health workers whose benefits have ended to be compensated by the former High Health Council of Constantinople, as well as all other rights acquired by workers or former employees of the Council or by their representatives. All matters relating to these rights, the use of the reserve funds of the former High Health Council of Constantinople or the definitive liquidation of the former health administration, as well as any other similar or coded matter, are settled by an ad hoc committee composed of a representative of each of the powers represented at the Higher Health Council of Constantinople. , with the exception of Germany. Austria and Hungary. In the event of disagreement between the members of that Commission on an issue relating to the aforementioned liquidation or the use of the remaining appropriations after the liquidation, any power represented at the Commission has the right to refer the matter to the Council of the League of Nations, whose decision is final. If the cables or parts transferred under the previous paragraph are private property, the governments to which this property is transferred must compensate the owners. In the event of a non-agreement in accordance with the amount of compensation, this amount will be determined by an arbitration procedure. The governments concerned, by appointment, appoint a secretary general for each court and each join one or more secretaries. The Secretary-General and the Secretaries are subject to the orders of the Tribunal, which, with the agreement of the governments concerned, has the power to hire anyone he or she needs. The Commission in paragraph 1 is composed of a representative of the Turkish government, a representative of the Ottoman Public Debt Council, a representative of debt other than single debt and the Turks` Lots; Each of the governments concerned also has the right to appoint a representative.

Any issue on which the Commission may not be able to reach an agreement is referred to the adjudicator in article 47, paragraph 4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 do not apply to policyholders who, by explicit agreement, have already settled with the insurance companies the determination of the value of their policies and the method of payment of their premiums, or to those whose policies are definitively settled on the effective date of this contract. In the event of a delay with contrary provisions, where, as a result of the setting of a new border, the hydraulic system (pipeline, flood, irrigation, drainage or other similar matters) is dependent in one state on work carried out on the territory of another state, or when use on the territory of a state is carried out because of the prior use of water or hydraulic energy whose source is located on the territory of another state. States concerned in order to preserve the interests and rights acquired by each state state. (b) leases and respite agreements for land and houses that have been concluded between individuals. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not think it is necessary to compare the principles underlying the Lausanne Peace Treaty with other peace proposals.


Mein Name ist Matthias Regge aka. Prinny. Ich schreibe über Videospiele und bizarre Dinge, die sich in meinem Kopf abspielen.

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    Tweeted on 08:17 AM Apr 29