
By Secondment Agreement

4. Dezember 2020

There will be certain circumstances in which the detachment with immediate effect will have to be terminated. The agreement probably provides for certain events that lead to termination, for example. B, the MP`s fault or a long-term illness. Next month, we will discuss key considerations in the development of Sabbath agreements. An MP probably has access to the confidential information of the host and the original employer, and both employers may have doubts about disclosure to the other party. Hosts will want to retain the intellectual property rights developed as part of a secondment. Employers should therefore ensure that secondment agreements contain clauses protecting their interests. Home > South Africa > Ten Essential Conditions of Detachment Contracts Does a detachment officer report sick leave to his or her home employer or host? Which employer should authorize annual leave and what about work coverage when the MP takes maternity or other family leave during the secondment? Home employers and host employers should agree in advance on how they will deal with different types of absences and let the MEMBER know of their obligations in this regard. Our international business lawyers are competent in the development and negotiation of international secondment agreements. We have expertise in auditing and developing choice clauses, confidentiality clauses, non-competition agreements and other provisions that are normally included and/or mentioned in secondment agreements. Contact our office to discuss secondment agreements with our international business lawyers. You can also call us at 866-583-9129.

An international delegation involves the cross-border transfer of the MP to an international company. A formal agreement known as a „detachment agreement“ between the employer, MP and host is required to resolve the relationship between the employer, the MP and the host. The secondment contract must take into account the laws of the contract and the host country. The employer and host must determine who is responsible for the MP`s compensation during the duration of the secondment. If the employer agrees to pay the MP, the employer and host must negotiate the terms and how the host pays the MP`s benefits. The parties must also take into account the responsibility for the payment of the costs incurred by the Member for the provision of services, if any.


Mein Name ist Matthias Regge aka. Prinny. Ich schreibe über Videospiele und bizarre Dinge, die sich in meinem Kopf abspielen.

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